Weds Apr 10th:
B&NES planning committee have refused the application

Latest update

SOBA has recently submitted a fourth updated objection, responding to the to the four issues (traffic, exceptional circumstances, the crossing of the Wansdyke and the impact on trees) on which the Planning Committee requested more information.

The 15th November 2023 Planning Committee had questioned a number of issues and deferred making a decision pending receipt of further information on the following:

  • Impact on local traffic

  • Impact on trees

  • Impact on Wansdyke Scheduled Ancient Monument

  • Whether the 'exceptional circumstances' threshold had been met, for developments on an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Our latest objection submission
A long history...

This application has a long history, perhaps not surprising given its controversial nature. You can see a summary of the key dates and planning history timeline by clicking below.

The Planning Officer’s revised report is now available on the B&NES website. It has little in the way of serious consideration of the thousands of objections that have been made and he still recommends that this application should be permitted by the Committee.

Weds Apr 10th:
B&NES Planning Committee voted NOT TO PERMIT the application.

Plans to build 290 more houses on South Stoke Plateau have been REFUSED.